
I actually really love making pendants, they are individual artworks, mini sculptures. The Textures of the porcelain after it’s been fired vary so much and again when I’ve added all the different oxides and colourants. As I  never know exactly how they’re going to turn out, the finishes in terms of silver and lustres I add are determined at the final stages. When that’s done I get to choose what to add to them in terms of beads, ones I’ve made myself or that I have bought or different items that I foraged as well. My sketches when I design work are very rough and you can guarantee that once I start working with clay they have a mind of their own.

Someone described my work as having the quality of found treasure, it really summed up what I’m aiming for in my work and I hope they end up being something that people treasure.

The continued theme throughout my whole career as an artist has been of mixing mediums, not being satisfied with just the one, enjoying the visual contrast and feel of different textures, rough smooth and soft or cold and warm. This is especially important with my jewellery as it is close to your skin.

Avis Gardner